What is today’s garment industry like in the USA? Terrific read from NYT in the article, “American Made: A Wave of Sewing Jobs as Orders Pile Up at U.S. Factories,” by Stephanie Clifford:
The American textile and apparel industries, like manufacturing as a whole, are experiencing a nascent turnaround as apparel and textile companies demand higher quality, more reliable scheduling and fewer safety problems than they encounter overseas. Accidents like the factory collapse in Bangladesh earlier this year, which killed more than 1,000 workers, have reinforced the push for domestic production.
But because the industries were decimated over the last two decades — 77 percent of the American work force has been lost since 1990 as companies moved jobs abroad — manufacturers are now scrambling to find workers to fill the specialized jobs that have not been taken over by machines.
In Clifford’s previous article, she discussed the mechanization – – – and technologization – – – of textile plants, including “the absence of high-paid American workers in the new factories” that “has made the revival possible.”
Excellent reporting by Clifford that is pertinent to anyone interested in “dressing constitutionally.”